Objects and Inheritance Hierarchy
In this chapter, you will learn that everything in an inheritance hierarchy is an object.
User Defined Class
Let's define a user defined class.
class Car
Object is the Parent of Car
This user defined Car class is part of an inheritance hierarchy. Thus, we can ask Ruby for it's super-class.
class Car
p Car.superclass
This prints:
Implicit Parent
The Car class implicitly extends from Ruby's built-in Object class. It's as if you had written code like this:
class Car < Object
Car is an Object
We found out that the Car class is part of an inheritance hierarchy. If everything in an inheritance hierarchy is an object, then the Car class must be an object. If Car class is an object, it must be an instance of some class. What is that class? We can ask Ruby:
class Car
p Car.class
This prints:
The Car class is an instance of Ruby's built-in class called Class.
BasicObject is the Parent of Object
We know that super-class of Car is Object. The Object also has a super-class.
p Object.superclass
This prints:
Object is an Instance of Class
The Ruby's built-in Object is also part of an inheritance hierarchy. It must also be an object.
p Object.class
This prints:
The Object is an instance of Ruby's built-in class called Class.
BasicObject Has No Parent
The Ruby's built-in BasicObject is the root of the inheritance hierarchy.
p BasicObject.superclass
This prints:
The nil indicates that BasicObject has no parent.
BasicObject is an Instance of Class
BasicObject is also an object, since it has sub-classes and is part of the inheritance hierarchy. What is the class used to create an instance of BasicObject? We can ask Ruby:
p BasicObject.class
This prints:
The BasicObject is an instance of Ruby's built-in class called Class.
Fabio Asks
Why does user defined classes use Class as the template to create an instance?
You define classes in Ruby using the class keyword. This is the reason that the class you define becomes an instance of the Ruby's built-in class called Class.
Rhonda Asks
Why does Ruby's built-in classes use Class as the template to create an instance?
The reason is the same as the reason for user defined classes. The class keyword defines the Ruby's built-in objects like Object and BasicObject.
- User defined classes and Ruby's built-in classes are objects.
- User defined classes and Ruby's built-in classes are instances of class called Class.
In this chapter, you learned that everything in the inheritance hierarchy is an object.