Hierarchy of Class Methods

In this chapter, you will learn that class methods have their own inheritance hierarchy. We will also see that the sub classes inherit the class methods from its parent.

Class of a Singleton Class

Let's consider the example we saw in the previous chapter.

class Car
  def self.drive

singleton_class = Car.singleton_class

What class is this singleton class an instance of? Let's ask Ruby:

p singleton_class.class

This prints:


Object Hierarchy of Singleton Class

What is object hierarchy of the singleton class? Let's ask Ruby:

p singleton_class.ancestors

This prints:

[#<Class:Car>, #<Class:Object>, #<Class:BasicObject>, Class, Module, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]

Hierarchy of Class Methods

There is a whole new hierarchy consisting of singleton classes for Car, Object and BasicObject. Compare this to the ancestors of a normal class:

p Car.ancestors

This prints:

[Car, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]

Now we don't see any singleton classes in this case.

Car Ancestors

One Level Up

We can go one level up and do a similar experiment.

class Object
  def self.drive
    p 'driving'

singleton_class =  Object.singleton_class
p singleton_class.ancestors

This prints:

[#<Class:Object>, #<Class:BasicObject>, Class, Module, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]

One Level Up

One More Level Up

Let's go one more level up and repeat a similar experiment.

singleton_class = BasicObject.singleton_class
p singleton_class.ancestors

This prints:

[#<Class:BasicObject>, Class, Module, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]

One More Level Up

Practical Use

Let's define a class method in Ruby built-in BasicObject.

class BasicObject
  def self.drive
    p 'driving...'

class Car


This prints:


Sub classes can call its parent's class methods. If you are familiar with ActiveRecord library of Rails, we often do something like this:

module ActiveRecord
  class Base
    def self.find(id)

class Car < ActiveRecord::Base


Now you know how it works.

Same Sender and Receiver

How are we able to call ActiveRecord class methods without a receiver? Can we say Sender and Receiver are the same in this case? For example:

class Car < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :wheels

The concept slightly varies because sub classes can call class methods without a receiver. You can say sub class is a super class. This is the reason why you can consider the sender and receiver to be the same.


In this chapter, we learned that class methods have their own inheritance hierarchy. We also saw that the sub classes inherit the class methods from its parent.

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